Three Mini Reviews

M’s Memory Manifold
Notes From the Early Simulation, a self-described "experimental sci-fi project in Atlanta," brings their first track "M’s Memory Manifold". Released across streaming platforms on 6/16, "M’s Memory Manifold" fashions sounds from light and softly-bouncing indie songs, trains, and sci-fi movies. In an accompanying video (see below), we see frequent superimposition of animations over shots of plants and people, the layers moving in and out of focus. The video and song elements play well together—the ways they both assemble and collage from dimensions of the natural world and imagined futures suggest that our memory is more than what our minds can recall, that it spirals outward.

And for the character M, memory moves quick. Perhaps the lyrics lament what remains out of reach: "I can’t—I just can’t keep up with you." Yet, the declaration sung feels like they are also in awe. — Connie Li